Monday, June 30, 2008


I think I've tried to avoid the inevitable long enough. I have now been tagged twice (thanks to, you know who you are)! Luckily they were the same tag. So here we go.

3 Joys:
1. My little family, Scott and Tyson. They are both so easy going and make me happy. Scott just lets me be who I am...crazy! I also love to dress them both!
2. didn't used to be that way, but I love to go by myself and just window shop, decorating my house in my head.
3. Decorating my house for holidays

3 Fears
1. Losing my family or something/someone harming them.
2. I'm so afraid of being attacked while I'm alone ...I know, I'm being kind of a Debbie Downer, but people are scary sometimes.
3. Cockroaches..can't stand them! It probably stems from my dad holding dead ones above my head to get me out of bed on Saturday mornings! Thanks dad.

3 Goals
1. Get back to volleyball weight..those were some good days!
2. Work on playing the piano more (learn some new tunes)
3. Be a better Suzie Homemaker! I want to learn some new recipes and organize my meals for the week so I don't have to make a quick run to the store to get the ingredients every day. It wasn't so bad pre-baby but those "quick trips" are not so quick or easy anymore! I also would love to sew. I can hear my mom saying, "I told you so," right now!

3 Obssessions
1. Reading. I love it. I stay up late just reading.
2. Driving by my not-yet-built house everyday just to see what they've done that day. (Sadly, all they've done is clear the land, but it doesn't stop me from hoping or driving by)
3. Blogging

3 Surprising or Random facts
1. I hate folding laudry. I'll put it in, but I hate to fold. I think its because my hands feel so dry afterwards.
2. I hit a cow and totaled my car when I was in high school.
3. I fell off a horse while riding at my friend, Jackie's house two weeks before I was to start college volleyball practice my junior year. I didn't tell my coach until we secretly put in the tape of it instead of our yoga tape we were supposed to do. There's 2 facts in one. I'm a bit clumsy and I like to pull pranks.

There...I did it and I survived! I won't tag anyone else because pretty much everyone else on my list has been tagged already.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you hit a cow with your car in high school. I'm sure it was traumatic and everything, but I started laughing out loud when I read that. Geez!

McKelle said...

Glad you finally followed up on the tag! I didn't know you fell off a horse! Did you get hurt at all? I love that picture of Tyson in the over alls too!! So CUte!

Get Bent said...

I thought you guys were already in your house...where are you living now? Thanks for sharing! Maybe I will tag myself. That one is different! :)

JP said...

Loved all your answers to the tag. Before I started reading it, I wondered if there were any I wouldn't know about you, and there were lots! Oh man. I was kind of bummed about that :) But I was happy to find that I knew at least 1 or 2 (or 3!) of each category. One I laughed at was I remember how much you hate folding laundry, especially underwear! haha. And cute pics of Tyson, I'm glad to hear he is healthy and doing great!