Well I don't have much. Just a few updates on Tyson and baby girl stuff. Tyson is growing rapidly. His feet are already expanding out of the size 9 sandals I bought him for the summer. We'll be moving him to a big boy bed soon. Not because he crawls out, but because he's so big. I hate to give up the enclosed sleeping arrangement, but the poor kid needs his space. Not to mention we'll need the crib again in a few months (less than 100 days)! He loves to count and sing his ABC's as well as new songs he learns in nursery. Its fun to try and decipher the the song he is singing. Usually the actions give it away more than the words do. He loves animals and bugs, reading books, puzzles or playing trains usually more than playing with his basketball hoop. (yikes...we need to work on that!) His new thing to ask is, "What you doing mom?" or "What's happening?" (with something around him) or "You happy, mom?" (usually after he gets scolded). We've also experienced a few of the 2 year old tantrums which seem to have come overnight. Scott says he gets his stubborness from me. Maybe so. But he's also very good to say his thank-you's and to tell me that his food is good.
I had him lay in his crib for a picture after nap time. I wasn't sure he'd do it but he thought it was really fun and wanted more pictures to be taken of him. See what I mean about being big...we'll just bypass the toddler bed and go straight to a twin size!
I have been busy buying pink. It's been quite fun, I must admit. I've also been trying to get some projects done for her room. We've painted it a really light pink, I got her bumper and crib skirt (down below) before I even knew she was a girl. It was too cheap at Target to pass up so I hid it in our guest room closet behind my wedding dress thinking Scott would never find it. One day he came downstairs asking my why I had girl bedding upstairs. Apparently he was looking for wrapping paper and discovered it. Oops! Luckily we got to keep it and I saved him a bunch of money! I found these little lamps at a garage sale for a steal (My friend helps me bargain). Before, they were this plastic pink see through lamp with Dora around the top of one and cinderella princesses around the other. I took the beads off and spray painted it white and put the beads back on. They'll make perfect little night lights.

I made this blanket after a pattern that my sister had from a blanket she made for Tyson. Easy and so fun!

We don't have a name yet...can't seem to agree on one as of now. Hopefully in the next 100 days we'll settle on one!
I love the bedding!! I love how you hid it thinking Scott would never find it. I do that too - and usually get caught.
OH MY GOSH!! SO FUN!! You guys are so cute. I'm so excited for you and your GIRL!! Tyson reminds me so much of Jordan (they're basically the same age) and it's so fun to see the funny things these kids do!!!
Forget the twin size bed, I would go straight to a queen! lol He is so stinking cute! I'm so excited for you to get a little girl! :)
OH, I laughed out loud at the picture of Tyson in the crib. I think the Queen bed is the answer!! I love the pink lamps!! You go girl!! Can't wait for # 8. MOM
Poor Tyson...that crib...I can't believe he's never tried to climb out! to answer your question....Yes 2 year-olds are a ton of fun! hahaha....I love the lamps your fixed up and I love the bedding! I'm excited for your little girl, and your Mom taught you well in all her bargain hunting!
Tyson is adorable!! He seriously looks like a 4 yr old. i'm pretty sure he's bigger than Jace :) Glad you're having so fun with all the pink!
Sister, your girl stuff is so cute! I totally had a different vision of the lamps. They are adorable, and way to go on the blanket- super cute!
Yeah, I think Tyson is probably as tall as Maggs. He's so cute. I know what you mean about the 2 year old tantrums starting over night. Lincoln is there. It's GREAT! I love love love the girl stuff! Plus, I think it is hilarious that you tried to hide the bedding. Hope you are feeling good. Can't wait to see this little girl!
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