Monday, December 10, 2012


A thing that's great about Texas is the weather and that we can be enjoying our day outside in November! The kids love the swingset that came with the house and so do I!

Enjoying a picnic lunch on the deck.

Tyson's last soccer game with his teammates.  I probably don't need to point out that he's the boy in the middle. :)

Proudly displaying his first trophy!
Love me some Black Friday! I went and bought the paper on Thanksgiving morning and began to spread it out on the kitchen table.  I soon had interested child wanting to scour the adds with me!

And another soon followed! Glad we can make this a family affair!


Stephanie said...

Wow. Camille's hair looks like it has so much volume.

So Tyson liked soccer better than golf huh? Is he going to be like you and have tons of trophies?

I want pictures of the house. The back yard looks really big. And is it fenced?

How does Scott like his new job?

Tyson and Angela said...

Oh my goodness! I had no idea you moved!!! I guess it has been WAY too long since I checked in on your blog or even seen you around church. San Antonio huh?? I miss my volleyball buddy all ready. Now who is going to bring some competition? It looks like you have been having a lot of fun the last few months and are getting settled in. Good luck in your new adventures!

JP said...

Glad to see you are still doing Black Friday! I learned most of my savvy shopping skills from you if you never knew that fun fact. I want to see more pics of your home, it looks beautiful! I am jealous of your deck and swingset. Sure miss you! The kids are getting sooo big!

iiiixiiii06 said...

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