Thursday, September 23, 2010

1 month!

I feel like I've missed September. Like it just flew by while I was in some sort of fog. Aren't all the first few weeks of a new baby like that? We are slowing coming out of it. I mean, yesterday I showered before 2:00 (we won't mention today). I haven't tried going to the store yet with 2 kids. I think I'll avoid that as long as I can while trying not to be a hermit. We did go to a playgroup and managed alright. She's still a pretty mellow baby which is good because Tyson has been extra clingy. But he does love his sister, we just have to be careful just how much he loves her. Here are some shots from a couple days ago. Tyson being soft and attentive. Although it looks more like she's in pain but that's the best shot we got while he was holding her hand.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

what's one more?

Add thrush to the list. We just have to laugh. I took Camille in for a weight check (she's finally back to birth weight..yay) and discovered she also had thrush in her mouth. So they put this bright purple dye in her mouth that is supposed to kill it all in 24 hours. She was looking good! Not the shade of lipstick I would wear but everyone has their own style:)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3 weeks!

It's been 3 weeks since I looked like this and I don't miss it at all! Although it hasn't been the easiest of times. Camille has been a really good baby, its been all me! My feet were so swollen for a week past my delivery which I didn't think was normal (turns out it is). I mean they were huge. Ankles the size of my calf and my feet felt so tight it hurt to move my toes and my flip flops left lines from wearing them. When the swelling finally went down, I had lost 10 lbs of strickly water weight. Next, a day after we got home from the hospital the second time, I was eating a tootsie roll pop when my tooth felt weird. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had broken off half my crown on my back tooth. So I had to go in to get that checked out and had it semi-fixed until I check with my physician and see if I can actually get the work done. Fun! Then I had mastitis and had to call in about that. More Fun! And last, I broke out in 5, yes 5 cold sores on my lip right before going back to church. I seriously have felt like an ogre. But, I have a sweet little girl who is all worth it! And luckily things are pretty much back to normal now and we are figuring out how to handle 2 kids.

Thank goodness my mother was here. She had Tyson a lot with all of these ailments going on and he was definitely taken good care of and had lots of attention. Thanks so much mom!
Grandma was drawing out Tyson's body on a piece of paper. That's one long little boy. We measured him recently and he is 39 3/4 inches long. I think you're supposed to double their height when they are 2 1/2 years old and that's how tall they'll be. If that's the case, he'll be about 6'8".
I was feeding Camille when Tyson came right up to sit beside me and fell asleep sitting up. Poor guy was wiped! I loved dressing Camille on her first Sunday back to church. Girls are really fun! She did pretty well and only started really crying during the last 5 minutes of my Sunday School lesson so we ended my class a little early.

I still can't totally tell who she looks like..we hear both but I think she's just another good mix like Tyson is.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cute girl

On our way home from the hospital with little Camille and a bow! (She left the hospital at 8lbs 15oz.
Big brother holding little sister for the first time.3 days old...Tyson wanting to join in on the picture taking...he's been a great big brother!Day 4 (Monday) sent us back to the hospital. Our little girl had quite a high jaundice level and had to be placed in an incubator under light and attached to an IV. We checked in at 2 that afternoon and had to stay the night. It was oh so fun and I didn't handle it well at first, but we adjusted and made it through and checked out at 4:00 the next day. Poor girl had to wear these foam goggles. I could only take her out to feed her and then put her right back in. Mostly she was sleeping when I put her back in but sometimes she was awake and I felt so bad to cover her eyes up when she wanted to look around. Picture time! Sure love this sweet girl. She's been really great so far with all this hospital visits and heel pokes to check her blood. There are 4 prick scabs on each heel. So sad, but she is on the mend and we are enjoying having her home finally!