Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm on a roll...for now. The first few days home from the hospital, Tyson was quite jaundiced (I don't know if you can say it like that) and had to be kept on a "tanning bed" as we called it. Poor guy. His long limbs sometimes escaped from the velcro sleeping bag we had him in. If he wasn't on the bed, he had to have a wand on him with a blanket. It made for great pictures! One night, while playing cards with the family and Tyson fast asleep in his bed, we heard him start to cry and his whole body had pushed out of the bag. It looked pretty funny, almost like a dying cockroach. We didn't get to dress him in any cute clothes for about a week!


Kristin said...

go kim! I'm excited to keep updated this way. Maybe now Scott won't have to answer as many annoying phonecalls from me.

Ashley said...

Don't you love the little glow worms? We did it too. He's gorgeous!