Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We bought this movie from the 5 dollar bin at Walmart, thinking maybe Tyson would like it one day. He was going through his daily ritual of pulling out all our DVD's and came across this one. Scott and I are sitting on the couch when he brings it to me and points to Fiona and says, "Mama." Thanks Tyson. So I point to Shrek and ask Tyson if that's Dad, to which he quickly says, "No!" We laugh it off and I hide my hurt feelings :) and then I ask him, "Where's Mama?" He then points to Fiona...again. You know, it's really my fault. I should have been buying him movies, like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast (although he probably would have pointed me out as the beast), or Sleeping Beauty and then maybe I would have been compared to those fine ladies. But for now, call me Fiona. Hey, at least she's a princess right?


Stephanie said...

two things: What were you doing up at 1:30 in the morning? I totally had you pegged for early bed goers. Second I would much rather be compared to Fiona than any of the other Disney Princess Flakes. So what if she is green? Isn't that what all the rage is these days anyway? Go Green!!!!

melbel said...

Oh Kim! He was just telling you what you should be for Halloween! No worries! ;)

Erin said...

That's hilarious! Bryson told me I had a big head the other I feel your pain. :) Aren't kids great?!?

Megs said...

Kids say the funniest things. Fiona is a very pretty ogre. you should be flattered :) And I agree with melbel... whoever that is. He's just telling you what to be for halloween :)

Danielle said...

I'm pretty sure Fiona was never an All-American. Though, your boy is likely to not appreciate this about you till he hits... maybe his mid twenties. Until then... too bad.

McKelle said...

That's too funny!

Sheila said...

Um, Yeah AND, Really Fiona is Cameron Diaz, and she's HOT!! So there.

Kristin said...

Now at least you know what your family can be for Halloween. Fiona, Shrek, and Donkey (I bet you know who I think should be the donkey) ha ha, Tell scott I'm proud of myself for that one.

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Tyson is a smart little guy... he knows a mama when he sees one. Yea , and why are you up until 1:30. This is your mama... telling you to get to bed!

Hafen Crew said...

Kids are so great for your self-esteem ;) All you have in common is you're both girls!