Thursday, July 23, 2009

Splash park

We have a splash park seriously, around the corner from our house (in case any family members or friends would like to visit us and bring their children....). It's growing on Tyson, but he mostly just wanders around the outside of it and plays in the water that spouts only a little bit out of the ground. He is not a fan of getting water dumped on the head or splashed in his face. Can't say I blame him. Those are a size 7 shoe and one of the only pairs we can find to fit his fat feet. What 17 month old wears a size 7??(doesn't he look tall in these pictures?)
Here he is throwing a mini tantrum because I wouldn't let him eat some random person's snacks that were sitting out. My child is the thief of the playground. You leave it out unattended, its fair game. This, for instance is not our bucket...but I appreciate other mothers who think ahead and bring toys so that my son can play with them!
Yes, Tyson is very white...almost glowing. Lets just blame it on his father and end the discussion. :)
He's also been busy doing others things. He says please both in sign language and vocally really emphatically when it comes to asking for food. I'll have to get it on tape because its quite funny. I'll be in the kitchen and he'll come running up, yelling please and rubbing his chest and I know exactly what he wants... food. Great system we got going on here! Tyson also enjoys sticking things in the VCR. I caught him putting a CD inside it, so I pull it out only to find another one. I look to see what else might be inside and found a kazoo. Go figure. He's a really sweet boy with lots of energy!


LindaLou said...

Now these are some pictures I can love! (chubby feet and all). I love the belly and the glowing skin. I think that trait would really come from the MAMA! Love you all!! GrandMAMA

Matt and Amie said...

What a cutie. I totally hear you about the shoe thing! Josh is only 15 months and I cant find shoes to fit his thick feet. I bought him a size 6 just last week, and we cant get the darn shoe on his foot. I guess I'll try a size 7! :) Poor boys!

McKelle said...

A kazoo, that's classic!!

Amber said...

That is great that he is starting to enjoy the splash park more since you live so close. And I wouldn't worry too much about him being a thief...I think that is normal!

DK Johnston said...

This totally cracks me up. Oh how I wish we lived closer to you guys! We've thought a lot about you lately. On my birthday we were talking about how it was Scott's birthday too and then we decided to go get some Chili's chips and salsa. Good times. I can't believe how big Tyson is. He is definitely bigger than Lincoln. A size 7 shoe...Oh wow! I'm just glad my kid is not the only one stealing other people's toys, food, and throwing tantrums.

melbel said...

He does look like he got a little wet! It's funny to catch them in the middle of a tantrum in a picture, but I especially love that it's because he was told no to stealing other people's snacks. Ha!

Sheila said...

I got such a kick out of this post Kim, I love it!! I feel like we are living parallel lives right now, your stories are so close to home! Except Jordan is in a size 5 and probably two feet shorter than Tyson!! LOL!! --oh, and who ARE these moms who think beyond snacks and diapers, towels and sunscreen, to bring TOYS to a splash park!?!? I love those women...someday I may just have it all together. (then I'll probably be a grandma!)

Ashlee said...

Loved this post. He is so cute, and don't you just love the little things they develop?

Kristin said...

News flash...he doesn't just look tall, he IS tall. Hello.